Louis Vuitton + Yasiin Bey | “The Greatest Words” of Muhammad Ali

We couldn’t think of a better voice and a smoother MC to lend his vocals to this campaign. Yasiin Bey, formerly known as Mos Def, has collaborated with Louis Vuitton for the Core Values campaign which pays tribute to Muhammad Ali. The two short clips, directed by Stuart McIntyre, show Yasiin Bey in ring reciting some of the most powerful Ali quotes.

See more below.


Louis Vuitton + Yasiin Bey | “The Greatest Words” of Muhammad Ali

Pantone Color Swatches: the universal numbering system for colors talk about synesthesia right? Well the Humane project is a work in progresses series that does this with our human skin: showing us there is much more subtlety and elegance in complexion than, black, white. brown, yellow and red. 

Humanae  is a chromatic inventory, a project that reflects on the colors beyond the borders of our codes by referencing the PANTONE® color scheme.
(PANTONE® Guides are one of the main classification systems of colors, which are represented by an alphanumeric code, allowing to accurately recreate any of them in any media. It is a technical industrial standard often called Real Color)
The project development is based on a series of portraits whose background is dyed with the exact Pantone® tone extracted from a sample of 11×11 pixels of the portrayed’s face. The project’s objective is to record and catalog all possible human skin tones.
via humane.tumblr.com

Be sure to look at their tumblr home page that shows this thought provoking categorization.

The Artist carrying out this ambitious idea is Angelica Dass of Rio De Janeiro Brasil. Many of her projects are statements and questions which delve into the touchy subjects of race,  culture, identity, masks and other social issues. 


Glamorous yet tasteful nomads, with killer bone structure and piercing and almost icy stares beckon viewers into this strange print laden land of the etro spring ad campaign taken in Morocco. 

Clean, airy, and ethereal it may not remind one of the bustling, busy and heart heavy Morocco we love. The background is like a Morocco meets some outer rim ice planet.

However many of the prints from the Etro campaign seem to draw upon some of the country’s asthetics, but itsn’t exlusive: from pokadots to paisely Etro Spring 2012 is a busy place.

But who says busy is bad? With heavy hitting models Carmen Kass, Ella Kandyba, Ophelie Rupp and male models Bruce Machado and Andres Risso and an even more seasoned photographer, Mario Testino. The ad campaign comes off like some of our favorite summer drinks: strong,  mixed, and on ice.



